Building AI for your

business is hard,

takes a lot of time,

and costs too much.

Building AI for your business is hard,

takes a lot of time, and costs too much.

We’re here to fix that.

We provide tools for advanced development and integration.


Our AI API allows you to manage Files, Folders, VectorDBs, Content, Chats, Messages, execute AI Functions, perform AI Searches, and interact with AI for responses.


With our Admin UI, you can effortlessly build and manage AI for your business without any AI experience.

Admin UI

Customize the AI & Admin UI to fit your needs or hire us for setup and development.


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GPTizer integrates with the client's vector database, Weaviate, ensuring that data remains secure and fully under the client's control.

Vector DB

GPTizer immediately synchronizes all changes made by the client to its settings, allowing for real-time configuration and testing of the AI in the admin panel.

Real Time

Within the GPTizer framework, you can create multiple environments like Dev, Stage, and Prod. Each environment accesses different databases and uses unique AI API keys.

This setup allows for safe testing of the AI across environments before applying changes to the next environment via a Pull Request.

This ensures 100% security, preventing the AI from causing issues in production.

Multiple Envs

API Hub πŸ€–

it’s how you connect your app to AI

Admin UI πŸš€

it’s how you set up AI for the most advanced cases

File Manager

The File Manager feature lets you securely store file chunks in your VectorDB, ensuring they're safe and accessible by AI, which efficiently utilizes the stored knowledge.

Here’s how it works:

  • Create folders to keep your files neat. Plus, you can tag these folders or files for even better organization.

  • Decide how the AI accesses your files. You can limit access based on tags or hierarchy, letting you choose whether AI sees just one level up or the entire file family tree.

  • Add files with a content uniqueness check to avoid duplicates. Choose between storing just the knowledge from files in VectorDB or keeping the entire file, handy for future sharing or downloads.

  • Easily rename, star for priority, delete, or move files to different folders according to your needs.

Content Manager

The Content Manager feature acts like a hassle-free database. Simply set up schemas, properties, and filters with our user-friendly interface, and you're all set for VectorDB to operate smoothly.

Here's what you can do:

  • Input data into your predefined schemas, ensuring it aligns with your property structure.

  • Activate a uniqueness check to prevent duplicates.

  • Choose to chunk data for better management or keep it whole, depending on your needs.

  • Unique Identifiers: Assign a unique identifier, like a URL or an ID, to each piece of content.

Should you process content with an already used unique identifier, the previous item will be automatically removed and replaced with the new one, keeping your database fresh and up-to-date.

Chat Manager

The Chat Manager feature is designed to streamline every interaction your AI has with a new user, storing each conversation as a new Chat. These interactions are readily accessible, either through an API or directly in the Admin app, allowing you to monitor how the AI is engaging with users.

Key aspects of the Chat Manager feature include:

  • The AI can flag conversations needing human assistance for priority support.

  • On Telegram or WhatsApp, agent messages reach users directly, while on the web, they're logged in chat history.

  • Choose VectorDB for unlimited context via Vector Search, albeit costly with large message volumes, or opt for DynamoDB for a secure, cost-effective solution.

This feature enhances customer service capabilities, ensuring efficient and secure communication, whether through direct integration or web-based chats.

Messages Sending

The Messages Sending feature allows you to tailor how you interact with AI, giving you control over the conversation's structure and content.

Here's a breakdown of how it works:

  • Choose Your Response Format. You can select how you'd like AI to respond, with options for Text or Json formats, catering to your preference or integration requirements.

  • To focus AI's understanding, you can provide a beginning of the messaging history or any additional information. This helps limit the AI's context to only relevant information, ensuring more accurate and focused responses.

  • Specify which functions you want AI to access during the conversation. This customization allows you to tailor the AI's abilities to the task at hand.

  • Function Chains for Complex Tasks. For more intricate interactions, you can create a sequence of functions for the AI to execute in a specified order.

  • Streamlined Responses. As AI processes your input, responses are streamed back as messages. It's common for AI to send multiple messages in succession before concluding its response, providing a dynamic and interactive communication flow.

This feature enhances customer service capabilities, ensuring efficient and secure communication, whether through direct integration or web-based chats.

Function Execution

The Function Execution feature allows you to run any custom functions you've created to enhance AI's capabilities. This can be done either as part of testing to ensure everything works as expected or as an actual use case, integrating these functions into your workflow or application. This flexibility means you can easily tailor AI's functionality to suit specific needs or scenarios, making it a powerful tool for both development and real-world applications.

Pricing πŸ’Έ


  • 5,000 Requests

  • 1 App / Environment

  • 1 Team Member

  • $5 per 1,000 additional requests



  • 50,000 Requests

  • 3 Apps / Environments

  • 1 Team Member

  • $4 per 1,000 additional requests

  • 10 GB of additional File Storage*



  • 150,000 Requests

  • ♾️ Apps / Environments

  • 3 Team Members

  • $3 per 1,000 additional requests

  • 25 GB of additional File Storage*



  • 500,000 Requests

  • ♾️ Apps / Environments

  • 5 Team Members

  • $2 per 1,000 additional requests

  • 100 GB of additional File Storage*


*Additional File Storage is a cloud storage solution for storing data as files. The VectorDB connection is included for free in all packages. File Storage, on the other hand, uses GPTizer's internal storage. If you need to save data as files for both AI and personal use, this option is ideal

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